CRI gives new SOAs
DALTON, GA — The Carpet and Rug Institute recently welcomed a group of new products and participants into its Seal of Approval program, bringing the total number of SOA products and systems to 1060, according to a press release.
There were two Gold Certifications made. One went to Xaact’s extractor, Xtract 500H with Titanium 2 Jet, while the other went to Fuller Brush for its household upright model, FB-SM Speedy Maid Lightweight.
There were two new deep cleaning systems that received SAO Certification. Carpet Cleaner Industries of Lagenfurt, Austria (Bronze); Sealed Air-Diversey Care of Sturtevant, WI (Platinum).
The CRI Seal of Approval program tests the effectiveness of carpet cleaning equipment. To qualify for the Seal, extractors must meet stringent standards.
The CRI wishes to congratulate all new additions to the program.