CleanTelligent Offers Cash Prizes for Networking at ISSA Show


PROVO, UT — October 26, 2018 — CleanTelligent Software, which will exhibit at the ISSA Show North America 2018 in Dallas on October 29-November 1, will offer cash prizes for attendee networking. All ISSA Show attendees are invited to participate in the CleanTelligent networking game by picking up a button at the CleanTelligent booth. Participants will be eligible to win one of 20 $50 prizes and one $1,000 grand prize.

“Local peer groups are hard to start in our industry because many cleaning companies are in direct competition,” said Caden Hutchens, Executive Vice President of CleanTelligent Software. “However, at a national trade show, such as the ISSA Show, janitorial business owners can network with people across the country. We created a game as a fun way to break the ice.”

To participate in the game, visit CleanTelligent’s exhibit booth, #1533. The steps of the CleanTelligent networking game are as follows:

  1. Come to CleanTelligent’s booth any time during exhibit hours from Tuesday, October 30, to Wednesday, October 31. Introduce yourself to a representative at the booth, give your contact information, and pick up a CleanTelligent button pin. You will be automatically eligible to receive one of 20 $50 cash prizes.
  2. Once you have a CleanTelligent button, introduce yourself to a fellow ISSA Show attendee who has not yet picked up a CleanTelligent button.
  3. Take a photo of yourself wearing the button with the attendee that you met.
  4. Post the photo on CleanTelligent’s official Facebook or LinkedIn contest post. Make sure your button is visible in the photo. Please include the other attendee’s name so that you don’t forget who you met.
  5. Be sure to send the attendee you just met to CleanTelligent’s booth for their chance to play the game and win.

All participants in the CleanTelligent networking game have more than one chance to win the grand prize as they may post a new photo every time they meet someone new who hasn’t played the game yet. On Thursday, November 1 at 9:00 a.m., one post will be randomly selected for the $1,000 grand prize and 20 booth visitors will be randomly selected for the $50 prizes. Winners will be contacted and must come to CleanTelligent’s booth before the close of exhibit hours at 2:00 p.m. to claim their prizes.

CleanTelligent representatives hope the game and cash prizes will motivate ISSA Show attendees to not just meet one another, but also compare notes. “When you meet someone new, it is exciting because you never know what you can learn or share,” said Zach Droubay, CleanTelligent’s Director of Sales. “We hope that those who play the game will continue building these relationships after the show is over.”

CleanTelligent Software began in the 1990s when a group of building service contractors were looking for a way to organize client communication, take control of quality, and track trends for improvement. Today, CleanTelligent Software has customers on every major continent and has received several awards from ISSA for innovation and customer service. For more information, visit or stop by booth #1533 at the ISSA Show.

Cleanfax Staff

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