Cleanfax Survey: What are the Most Viable Lead Generation Methods?


NORTHBROOK, Ill.—July 21, 2022—Lead generation is vital for the success of any restoration company. As a business leader, knowing how to generate the best leads is the secret to long-lasting success. However, it’s not always as simple as making ads or word-of-mouth anymore. Fortunately, the industry has spoken and helped to create an excellent source of truth based on data from other leaders in restoration to help determine what lead generation methods are truly best. According to the results of the 2022 Restoration Benchmarking Survey Report, the best lead generation method was referrals (97%) while adjusters/Insurance agent relations (69%), networking (63%), social media (61%), and electronic media such as emails and Google ads (60%) were all relatively even as secondary methods.

Additionally, telemarketing was found to be the least viable method with just 1% of the vote. Furthermore, Yelp continued its drop in popularity, falling 4% over 2020, while lead services grew by 4%. Knowing this, restoration companies should spend more time on digital marketing and networking strategies to create a strong client base that will bring in referrals moving forward.

As you begin to build upon your current services and use networking strategies as a leader in the restoration industry, check out our full 2022 Restoration Benchmarking Survey results, sponsored by Legend Brands.

Cleanfax Staff

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