Cleanfax Survey: How do You Differentiate Your Brand From Others?
NORTHBROOK, Ill.—July 28, 2022— Competing is all about how you stand out from the competition. Experience and reputation are what drive most restoration companies. Still, standing apart from the countless other businesses in your area can be difficult without knowing what the most effective methods to stand out truly are. Fortunately, this is one of the questions we sought to answer in a recent survey for restoration business and marketing strategies. According to the results of the 2022 Restoration Benchmarking Survey Report, company experience and reputation (59%) reign supreme as the best way to differentiate yourself from other businesses while being a One-stop shop (single-source service provider) also accounted for nearly one-quarter of the vote (24%) likewise.
Additionally, value-added services (8%) and industry-recognized certifications (3%) were far less effective but still earned a higher percentage of the vote than simply being a low-cost provider (1%). With this information in mind, restoration companies must recognize that having the cheapest prices isn’t what consumers want rather having a strong work ethic and reputation is key. To help with these efforts, leaders should begin building out their online reviews and referrals to create a positive image for their company that consumers can see indisputably.
As you continue to optimize your business online, check out our full 2022 Restoration Benchmarking Survey results, sponsored by Legend Brands.