Clean Care Seminars’ After the Smoke Clears training program updated

DOTHAN, AL — Clean Care Seminars recently announced its update to its company training program, After the Smoke Clears (ASC), according to a press release.
The 407-page ASC is “the culmination of over three years of research and revision” written by Jeff Bishop, acclaimed author, trainer and 44-year industry veteran.
The new ASC includes a comprehensive table of contents and subject index, approximately 800 images of “actual fire and smoke damage situations and diagrams,” a comprehensive quiz at the end of each chapter for training new technicians, a complete fire and smoke desk reference for answering questions from fire crews, and a comprehensive collection of footnotes to validate technical information.
After the Smoke Clears helps prepare restorers for certifications courses, as it is the primary reference document for the IICRC Fire and Smoke Restoration Technician (FSRT) course.
Divided into four sections — general fire concepts and safety, structural restoration, contents restoration and smoke deodorization — ASC is the supplement to Clean Care Seminars’ Fire’s Out! … Now What? in the two-volume set for owners and managers.
“After the Smoke Clears provides restoration supervisors and technicians with a convenient means for updating their technical and procedural knowledge on fire and smoke restoration concepts, principles and procedures,” the Clean Care Seminars said in the release. “It covers general fire concepts and detailed procedures for restoring both structure and contents.”
For more information, call 800-455-4278 or visit