CIRI will offer CE credits at PLR Expo


ALBANY, NY —The Cleaning Industry Research Institute International (CIRI) announced this week that it would offer continuing education (CE) credits for its ISSA Clean Standard: K-12 Licensed Training and Certification Program at the 2014 PLR Expo in Toronto, Canada at the end of this month, according to a press release.

The one-day workshop, designed to help facilities, restoration and cleaning professionals implement the Standard, will qualify for the following organizations:

The PLR Expo will be held at the International Plaza Hotel in Toronto from September 30 to October 2, featuring product showcases, keynote speakers and face time with industry leaders, sponsors and peers.

The ISSA Clean Standard: K-12 helps professionals validate that they are providing measurable clean and healthful school environments.  

“CIRI has worked tirelessly with the ISSA and public health experts — through years of meticulous scientific research, yielding thousands of data points — in rigorous investigation that led to a new way to evaluate the effectiveness of cleaning schools—the ISSA Clean Standard: K-12,” CIRI Chairman, Jim Harris, Sr., said of the program.

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