Chem-Dry franchisees hear Joe Theismann


LAS VEGAS — Chem-Dry recently held its annual franchise owner convention in Las Vegas January 26-29 in which NFL great Joe Theismann presented the morning keynote address, according to a press release.

“It’s good to be around number ones,” Theismann said while addressing the crowd of franchisees. “I have had the opportunity to be part of some very special things, and one of the lessons I learned along the way is that you never accomplish anything significant by yourself. Being part of a team matters."

Theismann stressed being part of a team, innovating and playing to win during his speech, which kicked off the convention.

"All of you, as franchisees and Chem-Dry's head office — together you form a bond. You are part of a great company — the best in the world. You are part of a world champion," Theismann continued in his speech. "And it's not about just your individual success — it's about the success of the entire team. The sharing, the working together, that's what makes you special."

Chem-Dry, which was recently named one of the top 100 franchises by Entrepreneur Magazine, holds the annual event to offer its franchisees an opportunity for networking and learning from others within the network.

For the original release, please click here.

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