Carpet company to the rescue

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BAKERSFIELD, CA — After another carpet cleaner left a customer with soaking-wet carpet, Sun Carpet Cleaning rushed in before mold began to form, according to a story from ABC 23.

Rick Keel , the customer, had contracted a local carpet company to perform hot water extraction on three rooms in his home, and, at first thought the job had been performed well. But the next day, the carpet still were wet, and a smell had started to develop.

Keel asked around for good cleaners, and found Sun Carpet, which worried it might be too late to save the carpet, but ended up using several heat drying systems to stop the development of mold in time.

The story comes as a reminder of the importance of asking customers to leave reviews for your company, so that other potential customers can easily see your company as a trustworthy, reliable choice.

Read the original story here.

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