Carpet Cleaning Assessment at The Experience Convention


Among the many things to see and do at The Experience Convention and Tradeshow at the Mirage Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas will be carpet cleaning assessments done by the International Cleaning and Restoration Association (ICRA).

Assessments will be performed on Saturday, September 10 from 8:30am to 5:30pm. There are a limited number of testing slots available for the program, so those who are interested are encouraged to apply today.

A performance assessment is designed to allow a candidate for certification to demonstrate at what level they can perform specific skills. Performance assessments are different than cognitive testing in that there are no written exams. Workstations are set up at Assessment Centers allowing candidates to demonstrate their ability to perform specific tasks associated with their job classification. While candidates do not pass or fail, they are assessed as working at as Proficient, Capable or Entry level.

The program is aimed to offer marketing power and strategic advantages to cleaning and restoration companies. Knowing the specific areas of strength and weakness in carpet cleaning performance is also very beneficial.

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