Canadian topless cleaning co. causes stir

VERNON, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Canada — The city of Vernon has approved a business license for a topless housecleaning company, but the decision has outraged some members of a local women”s center, The Globe and Mail reported today. King Phillips Topless Housecleaners delivers “beautiful women to shine up your home, topless,” as described in its newspaper ad, but Debra Critchley of the Vernon Women”s Centre argues, “It”s exploitation of women and poses serious safety concerns,” reported today. reported that the primary owner of King Phillips, Jason King, said there are safety measures for his employees, “We have two girls go in at once, and they each have pepper-spray, a cell phone to contact myself, and the clients know it”s hands off — we”re not providing sex, we”re providing topless cleaning. Click here and here to read the full articles. For related information, click here. To return to today”s news, click here. To discuss this topic with other industry professionals, click here. For a free subscription to CM e-News DailyTM, the daily news service for the building maintenance industry, click here. For a free introductory subscription (or subscription renewal) to CM/Cleaning & Maintenance Management¬Æ magazine, the leading publication in the facility maintenance and contract cleaning industries, click here.

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