Article explains the ins and outs of contents restoration


BIRMINGHAM, AL — In the May issue of Cleanfax magazine, we featured an article titled “Making or Losing a Fortune” by contents restoration specialist Barb Jackson, in which we take a look at the importance of training before performing contents restoration.

In the article, Jackson points out the consequences that often come when restoration companies attempt to perform this specialty without proper training. At one point she explains how wrapping furniture with shrink wrap can cost a restoration company thousands of dollars.

“First of all, shrink wrap won’t protect soft, fragile wood from getting dents, even when those dents are only caused by an errant jolt from a box of books or plates. Second, shrink wrap shrinks!” Jackson writes in the article. “As it gets warmer (even without heating guns) it will pull in upon itself and tighten until it can actually pull the joints apart on many types of furniture.”

Jackson explains that companies can add $10,000 to $20,000 per job on average with the addition of contents restoration, but that won’t happen without proper training.

For the full article, please click here

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