Advanced certification prerequisite courses to be offered at RIA convention

WASHINGTON — RIA Education with offer advanced certification prerequisite courses, including the RIA Project and Risk Management, Contents Science and Theory, and Mold Remediation Refresher courses, during the 2017 RIA Annual Convention.
The Project and Risk Management advanced certification prerquisite course, in addition to being a prerequisite for Certified Restorer and Water Los Specialist courses, is also open to professionals interested in continuing education credit or simply advancing knowledge. The course will be instructed by an industry expert and will provide “an understanding of the fundamental principles of project management and how to apply them to restoration projects to profitably produce quality products and services within industry accepted parameters and project constraints.”
The Contents Science and Theory advanced certification prerequisite course offers intermediate to advanced restoration theory with live demonstrations. The course is designed for more experienced restoration trainees, estimators or supervisors, teaching them to evaluate different degrees of damage and selecting methods for safe and effective restoration of various items. RIA Education says, “The Contents Science and Theory course content is 98 percent applicable to anything the restoration professional may encounter, dealing with the science of how to restore personal property damaged due to fire, smoke, flood or disaster.”
The one-day mold refresher course aids restoration professionals with the dramatic changes over the past year in fungal remediation practices and guidelines. It provides info to remediators, consultants, property managers and inspectors on:
- Standards and guidelines promulgated at the national and state levels
- Health effects and potential connection between mold and illnesses
- Engineering controls to improve efficiency when isolating and removing mold contamination
- Efficient methods for dealing with complex remediation problems such as crawlspaces, vaulted ceilings, contents, etc.
- Proactive management of the project through quality control efforts including post-remediation evaluation techniques.
Click HERE for more information on the advanced certification course prerequisite agenda.