ACI to host webinar on chemicals and asthma

WASHINGTON, DC — The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) will host the first installment of the ACI-sponsored series examining chemicals in relation to asthma February 25 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern, according to a press release.
In this free initial webinar, Dr. Jon Bernstein, professor of clinical medicine and director of clinical research for the Division of Immunology at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, will offer viewees a review of clinical tests used to evaluate asthma. Dr. Bernstein’s presentation is titled “Current Clinical Perspectives in Evaluating Chemical-Induced Asthma, or ‘What Caused My Asthma.'”
ACI will host the webinar series, titled “Advancing the Science on Chemical-Induced Asthma,” collaboratively with the Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment (TERA) Center at the University of Cincinnati. The series aims to “provide researchers with greater insights on an often mischaracterized topic.”
“This webinar series will discuss the advances being made in the methods for hazard and risk assessment of chemicals, how they can be related to asthma, and the role of clinical, toxicological, and epidemiological research in supporting regulatory approaches,” Dr. Francis Kruszewski, ACI senior director of human health and safety, said in the release. “Reviewing the science and safety behind cleaning products and their ingredients is part of the industry’s long-standing commitment to product stewardship.”
Installments of the webinar series will be held bi-monthly, with topics as follows:
- The role of toxicology in asthma hazard assessment (April 2016)
- Environmental contributions to asthma prevalence: assessing the link between exposure and disease (June 2016)
- Asthma risk assessment: A regulatory perspective (August 2016)
- Asthma-specific hazard characterization approaches: A novel approach to a complex problem (October 2016)
Register for the first webinar for free by CLICKING HERE.