ACI Promotes Jessica Ek to Senior Director, Digital Communications


WASHINGTON, D.C.—January 27, 2022—The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) recently promoted Jessica Ek to senior director, digital communications. Since 2018, Ms. Ek has served as director, digital communications for ACI, the trade association for the cleaning products supply chain. As senior director, she will continue to play an essential role in leading the strategy, content creation, and management of several websites, a multitude of social media channels, a consumer blog, and more.

“Jessica has elevated ACI’s digital communications beyond what we could envision,” said Brian Sansoni, ACI senior vice president, communications, outreach & membership. “ACI speaks to multiple audiences about the safety, benefits, and sustainability of cleaning products, and we need to be smarter than ever about how and where we deliver those messages in a rapidly-evolving communications marketplace. I look forward to what our team can accomplish with Jessica’s leadership and experience in the digital space.”

Prior to her time at ACI, Jessica Ek spent 10 years at the American Nurses Association (ANA), where she helped formulate and sustain the organization’s social media strategies, built and grew ANA’s social media channels, and managed a major redesign project for the association’s website.

The American Cleaning Institute® is the Home of the U.S. Cleaning Products Industry® and represents the $60 billion U.S. cleaning product supply chain. ACI members include the manufacturers and formulators of soaps, detergents, and general cleaning products used in household, commercial, industrial, and institutional settings; companies that supply ingredients and finished packaging for these products; and chemical distributors.  ACI serves the growth and innovation of the U.S. cleaning products industry by advancing the health and quality of life of people and protecting our planet through a continuous commitment to sound science and being a credible voice for the cleaning products industry. For more information, visit

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