2023 Restoration Strategies Conference Registration Now Open


CHICAGO, IL.—December 27, 2022—Registration is now open for the 2023 Restoration Strategies Conference, an event designed to help disaster restoration and building service contractor business owners, managers, and marketing staff learn how to get restoration jobs from insurance agents, claims adjusters, and property owners or managers.

The two-day conference is being offered twice in 2023—once on May 22″“23 and again on August 28″“29—and will be held in the auditorium at ISSA headquarters, located in the Chicago suburb of Rosemont, Illinois, and near Chicago’s O’Hare airport.

At the event, Peter Crosa, a nationally recognized, active insurance claims adjuster who works closely with the cleaning and restoration industries, will serve as lead instructor and share strategies on how to get more work, including water damage restoration, fire and smoke restoration, and mold remediation projects.

Download an event agenda, learn about accommodations, and register for the conference today.  Contact Jeff Cross, ISSA Media Director and founder of Restoration Strategies, at  [email protected]  or 740-973-4236 regarding any questions about the event.

Also, check out the video below to hear from Crosa on why you’ll want the Restoration Strategies Conference on your schedule for 2023.

Cleanfax Staff

Cleanfax provides cleaning and restoration professionals with information designed to help them manage and grow their businesses.

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