Washington to foot NYC Sandy bills


NEW YORK — Ninety percent of the $6.3 billion in Sandy-related emergency and recovery spending will be funded through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), with the remaining 10 percent to be covered through community development block grant funds, according to Business Insurance.

"It's certainly what the city has been counting on, and it's good news we won't be left footing part of that bill ourselves," said Doug Turetsky, chief of staff at the Independent Budget Office.

The new numbers, which were released as part of a wider examination of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's preliminary 2014 budget, offer the most specific breakdown of costs and intended uses of the federal aid, the article stated.

According to the article, the report also “provides the most up to date dollar figure for the cost of city labor associated with the storm — $341 million to cover staffing costs, about $188 million of which went to overtime pay for city staffers through March 14.”

Click here to read the article in its entirety.

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