Violand Management Adjusts Leadership Team

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NORTH CANTON, Ohio—January 11, 2022— Violand Management Associates recently promoted three of its business development advisors, Timothy E. Hull, Scott Tackett, and John R. Monroe. The company said in a release the promotions come in an effort “to better serve [its] growing list of restoration and cleaning clients” and help its advisors “[elevate] their abilities to guide small businesses to achieving long-term, sustained profitable growth.”

Hull will now serve as general manager for Violand. “As the company’s former Director of Operations and a Business Development Advisor, Tim understands the complexities involved in scaling and growing small businesses. He will use his expertise to captain Violand Management through expansion as well as work directly with small businesses by providing leading-edge coaching and training,” the company said.

Tackett will serve as senior advisor, organizational development specialist. Regarding Tackett, the company said, “In his new role, Scott will oversee the creation of innovative organizational initiatives, programs, and leadership training services while mentoring individuals and teams to achieve maximum growth. Scott is Violand’s longest-serving advisor and will continue to work one-on-one with small business owners and managers while facilitating Violand’s Management Development Program and Technician Supervisory Training class.”

Monroe will serve as senior advisor, restoration consulting team lead. “In this new role, John will oversee Violand’s team of small business advisors providing them added resources and coaching while continuing to work one-on-one with Violand’s clients and customers through business consulting and training. John has served as a Business Development Advisor for the past six years and facilitates Violand’s Salesforce Development Program,” the company said.

Violand’s founder and principal, Chuck Violand, will remain as company leader “through strategic growth initiatives while providing and cultivating thought leadership to the restoration and cleaning industries.”

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