Using plants for improved IAQ


WACO, TX — No matter what type of room you are this summer there is a plant that can help you clean the air allowing you to breath better and enjoy the plants of nature. Rainbow International has the best plants to use in all the rooms in your home or office to clean the air.


This plant is hearty and easily maintained by a novice gardener. Aside from its abilities to clean the air, the plants gel is useful in treating burns and cuts. It is best to keep it in a window because aloe plants do well in the sun.

Spider Plant (Cholorphytum Comosum)

The spider plant is good for people who forget to take care of them. The can be shown little attention an still grow. Spider plants battle a lot of the toxins used in the creation of leather.

Gerber Daisy

It won’t even be obvious you are cleaning the air by setting a couple of these out. The big, bright blooms will help clean the air of toxins that commonly come home with the dry cleaning. Consider keeping them in your laundry or bedroom, but know they need lots of light to grow.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

This is a good choice for the bathroom. The plant is able to do small amounts of formaldehyde filtering which is common in cleaning products, toilet care and personal products. This plant likes low light and humidity.

Warneck Dracaena

This plant can help improve the air quality in rooms heavy with varnish and oil. It’s easy to grow, even without direct sunlight and can reach an impressive height of 12 feet.

About Rainbow International®:

Established in 1981, Rainbow International is a global franchise organization providing residential and commercial restoration and cleaning services. Recognized by Entrepreneur magazine among its “Franchise 500,” Rainbow International franchisees offer a broad range of damage restoration services (ranging from water, smoke and fire damage to carpet and upholstery cleaning and deodorization) to more than 400 locations worldwide. The new Rapid Structural Drying Network of Rainbow International has established a network of elite water loss mitigation franchises across the United States. Rainbow International is a subsidiary of The Dwyer Group, Inc., family of service franchises. For further information or to find the location nearest you, visit

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