Time Ticks on

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By Amanda Hosey

In many ways, I can’t believe it has been a whole year since we profiled top industry companies in last year’s Restoration Industry Leaders Review section. In other ways, it feels like an entire lifetime ago, considering everything that has changed since then. We can’t control the times we live in, but we can use the time we have to find ways to improve and grow, and we’re here to help.

In this issue of Cleanfax, it’s time again for a look at three industry companies and follow their rise to success, shining examples for the restoration industry in our 2020 Restoration Industry Leaders Review.

First up this year, we have Diversified Restoration Innovations, led by a former nurse turned landlord turned industry success story—and one of the few female restoration owners.

Next up, we have Master Restoration, a company founded on a mission to be a “servant leader” in its community, which looks to make positive change in every part of the work.

Finally, we have Remtech, a business keenly focused on risk versus reward and people, both employees and clients, and which is ready to make some big moves 20 years in.

While you’re considering the lifespan of a successful company, bounce over to Chuck Violand’s article on the problems that arise with family business transitions. The process can be a difficult and often painful one, but it helps to keep in mind the past and future relationships those involved have with each other.

Then consider whether buying into or adapting into a franchise company might be a smart step for your company with an article that offers pros and cons of franchise systems to simplify the evaluation process. In this month’s IICRC Technical Tip, explore the sometimes-overwhelming terms of the S500 Standard and Reference Guide with a handy tips sheet from an IICRC S500 instructor.

And, finally, is it time to brush up on some technical information from the industry? Always!

Check out our insider guide to what’s really inside a truckmount—and see how everything works together. This article also offers a cheat sheet for truckmount maintenance. Learn the ins and outs of ultrasonic cleaning to help decide if now is the time to add this service and its accompanying equipment. Lastly, do you think oxidizers are taking care of your customer’s pet urine problems? Get ready for a science lesson! You might be surprised by the role the nitrogen cycle plays in the relationship between oxidizers, urine, and ammonifying bacteria.

We hope you enjoy this issue, which is stuffed to the gills with helpful information and ways to improve your management and industry skills. Read on, and we’ll see you back next issue!

Amanda Hosey is the managing editor of Cleanfax. She has worked as an editor and writer for more than six years, including four years with Cleanfax. Reach her at [email protected].

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