The IICRC Opens Nominations for the 2022 Hall of Fame Award


Las Vegas, NV. – June 1, 2022— The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) is now accepting nominations for the 2022 Hall of Fame Award. The deadline for nominations is June 30.

The Hall of Fame Award is open to all past and present IICRC Constituents who have at least 25 consecutive years in the Inspection, Cleaning, and/or Restoration Industries. To be considered, the nominee must have verifiable proof of previous or current IICRC Certification and have made a positive impact on the IICRC. Posthumous nominations are welcome. Current board members or officers are not eligible for the award.

In a recent press release by the IICRC, the details of the Award ceremony were described:

“Up to five inductees will be announced at this year’s Annual Instructor’s Meeting (AIM) on October 1 in Henderson, NV. Inductees will receive free travel and accommodations for the event and will receive a special plaque at AIM. A separate plaque will also be displayed in the IICRC Hall of Fame at the Global Resource Center (GRC) in Las Vegas.”

To submit a nomination, access the nomination form.

For more information, visit the Hall of Fame page as well.

Stay up to date with all things IICRC on Cleanfax by checking out the countless news stories shared with our audience today.

About the IICRC

The IICRC is a global standards developing organization (SDO), accredited through the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), as well as a credentialing body that certifies individuals in 20+ categories within the Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Industries. With nearly 50,000 Certified Technicians and 6,000 Certified Firms in 22 countries, the IICRC, in partnership with regional and international trade associations, represents the entire industry. The IICRC does not own schools, employ instructors, produce training materials, or promote specific product brands, cleaning methods, or systems.

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