The Green Product Pathway [Video]


ROSEMONT, Ill.—April 29, 2022—In this edition of Straight Talk! with Jeff Cross, Stephen P. Ashkin, founder of The Ashkin Group, discusses green cleaning products, what we should know about them, and why they matter. Today there are many options when it comes to sustainable cleaning, but not all green products are created equally. According to Ashkin, these products differ in price, performance, and more, so it is worth our time to investigate the products and understand what it is we are purchasing and using.

Third-party certifications are the best way for buyers to identify which products have truly been tested for both sustainability and effectiveness. However, Ashkin suggests that the idea of using environmentally responsible products should extend to all aspects of how a product is produced—from the labor force, to the materials, to the way a corporation behaves as a citizen of the global community. Ashkin encourages sustainability-minded cleaners to get information about the manufacturers as well as their green products in order to make an informed decision about purchasing.

Watch the complete episode of Straight Talk! with Jeff Cross below, and find more Straight Talk! episodes on Take part in the engaging online conversations on industry topics by joining the Straight Talk! Facebook group today.

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