Study: Consumers want environmentally-focused companies


PETERBOROUGH, ON — A survey conducted by Cone Communications and Echo Global* finds that nearly a third of the 10,287 adults surveyed believe businesses should change the way they operate to be more aligned with evolving social and environmental issues, according to a press release.

The survey also found that nearly the same number of respondents believes that businesses should not only support but also become advocates for social and environmental changes, the release stated.

 "People want companies to better communicate the effect they and their products have on society and the environment," says Jennifer Meek, marketing director for Enviro-Solutions, a leading manufacturer of green cleaning products.

"In fact, the survey found that only six percent of those surveyed now believe that businesses exist solely to make money and are not responsible for supporting social or environmental issues. This would not be the case if this survey had been conducted thirty years ago," Meek added.

According to the release, the survey listed those issues about which consumers most want companies to communicate with the public:

  • Plans for economic development in their countries/communities (40 percent)
  • Environmental concerns (20 percent)
  • Poverty and hunger (11 percent)
  • Human rights (11 percent)
  • Education, health/disease and water concerns (22 percent).**

Click here to read the release in its entirety.

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