Small-Business Owners Work to Turn Congressional Attention to Tax Relief

The words Tax reform sitting on an American flag

WASHINGTON — A group of small-business owners, led by the bipartisan Job Creators Network as well as conservative Freedom Works and the American Legislative Exchange Council, are planning an aggressive lobbying initiative to turn Congress’ focus from repealing the Affordable Healthcare Act (ObamaCare) to tax relief and the complete tax code overhaul, according to The Hill.

The group intends to use the summer town halls in key congressional districts as a platform to highlight surveys that show small-business owners are much more concerned with tax relief than repealing the ACA.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is working with the group to help shift congressional focus to the income tax relief, which current Speaker Paul Ryan favors. Gingrich met with Ryan and others key players in mid-July to broach the subject ahead of the August efforts.

The group of small-business owners and others hope to see “a package of tax cuts for business and middle income Americans,” according to The Hill.

Gingrich said in an interview with The Hill that he believes the Congress could pass tax cuts by before December, especially considering the lack of major legislative accomplishments by the current administration.

Meanwhile, Democrats have released their own economic plan to counter the one proposed by the current administration.

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