ServiceMonster releases cleaning industry statistics


Bellingham, WA — Field service software program ServiceMonster, in an effort to help professional cleaners better understand the dynamics of their businesses and the industry, recently published a document which offers state-by-state average growth rates for cleaning companies during the 2014-2015 calendar year, according to a press release.

“Our objective at ServiceMonster is to encourage professionals in the cleaning industry to reach their goals and be as successful as possible,” ServiceMonster co-founder and CEO Joe Kowalski said in the release. “We hope this data is informative for people both inside and outside of the industry and that it acts as a helpful tool for cleaning professionals to analyze the health of their own businesses.”

According to ServiceMonster’s findings, which were based on individual growth rates of cleaning businesses, there was a 12.61 percent average growth increase nationwide for the cleaning industry as a whole.

The sample size included ServiceMonster’s entire customer base, who collectively processed over $341,000,000 in 2015. To view the state-by-state data, click here.

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