Rocky Cross Construction North named DKI Member of the Year


CALGARY, AB — Rocky Cross Construction, North, Ltd. (RCCN) was honored with DKI Canada DKI 2017 Member of the Year Award for 2017 at the National DKI AGM in Quebec City, according to a press release.

Each year DKI Canada selects a Member of the Year based on a list of criteria such as dedication to growth, outstanding customer service, and membership support. The DKI 2017 Member of the Year Award was presented to Bill Moorman, COO, and Alan Welton, CEO, of Rocky Cross Construction, North, Ltd. at a gala event held at the Fairmont Le Château Frontenac.

Last year after the devastating Fort McMurray fire, Welton and much of the RCCN management team spent months on site helping victims of this tragedy recover.

RCCN also is known for its dedication to of training and development. RCCN regularly host training events such as quarterly courses (approved for CEC’s by the Alberta Insurance Institute, the IICRC, and the RIA). They recently hosted a DKI Canada western member training event for the specialized 4.5 day IICRC Commercial Drying Specialist (CDS) course at the RCCN Training Centre.

The CDS course trains restoration managers for large loss commercial drying, damage inspection and evaluation, work flow management, process administration, and technical methods of effective and timely drying of commercial, industrial, institutional, and complex residential waterdamaged structures, equipment, and systems.

“[The iconic Fairmont Le Château Frontenac] was a fitting location as they celebrated the 25th anniversary of DKI operating in Canada,” the organization said in the release. “This charming hotel recently underwent a major restoration that blends the charm of the hotel’s enchanting past with modern innovations and dynamic future. Very similar to what DKI Canada has done recently and where we stand today.”

For more information on Rocky Cross Construction, North, Ltd. please visit

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