RIA recognizes Phoenix Award winners


ROCKVILLE, MD — The Restoration Industry Association (RIA) awarded ACR Inc. of Wheeling, IL, the Phoenix Award for Innovation in Restoration, and Sharp & Robbins Construction of Memphis, TN, the Phoenix Award for Innovation in Reconstruction at the recent 69th Annual RIA Convention and Industry Expo in Orlando, FL. The Phoenix Awards are presented each year to recognize achievement in the industry and the winning projects exemplify the skills and talents required to return a structure to pre-loss condition.

ACR Inc. was recognized for their efforts involving a gymnasium floor that was flooded and was able to be dried out instead of requiring total replacement.

"ACR is all about continuous professional education to perform our restoration work at the highest possible level,” explained Jim O’Callaghan. “When you combine knowledge of top-level protocols with experience and creative thinking, the results will get noticed. ACR has never lost sight of our commitment to perform restoration far beyond peoples' expectations, and we're truly delighted to be recognized in this way."

Sharp & Robbins Construction received the Phoenix Award for their efforts in rebuilding a condominium building after a 200 square foot section of the brick façade fell off the side of the structure. Additional investigation revealed other major construction defects that had to be addressed.

“Dave (Robbins) and I are not only excited, but also humbled to have received our second Phoenix Award. We view the award as the ultimate recognition of excellence in our industry,” said Dale Sharp. “It is particularly gratifying to know the level of this year’s competition and that the submittals were judged by a committee of our peers.”

“These companies illustrate the best of what restoration contractors do every day,” said Patricia L. Harman, RIA’s director of standards and communications. “Their technical expertise and creative solutions were critical to solving difficult problems for their clients.”

The deadline for submissions for the 2015 Phoenix Awards is Monday, December 15, 2014. For more information, visit www.RestorationIndustry.org.

The Restoration Industry Association (RIA) is the oldest and largest trade association representing the restoration and reconstruction industry with member firms worldwide. RIA serves and represents the interests of its members by promoting the highest ethical standards; providing education, professional qualification and certification opportunities; positively influencing regulations and governmental actions; and advancing the safety, image, efficiency, and competitiveness of industry members. More information is available on the RIA website: www.RestorationIndustry.org

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