RIA Fire Restoration Summit to Co-Locate with ISSA Show


NORTHBROOK, Ill.―August 29, 2019―ISSA, the worldwide cleaning association, recently announced that the Restoration Industry Association (RIA) will co-locate its Technical Fire Restoration Summit with ISSA Show North America 2019 in Las Vegas.

The RIA Technical Fire Restoration Summit will take place November 19-20 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The two-day event features courses taught at both an applied and advanced technical level. Attendees will learn skills not usually detailed at industry events, such as:

  • Technical application of new science and product availability to overcome odor and contaminants.
  • Psychology of the loss and overcoming odor as an emotion of a past event.
  • Financial implications of working projects and getting paid.
  • Determining the success of a job based on measurable benchmarks.

“Fire restoration can be one of the most complex areas that restoration professionals face,” said Steve Lowry, RIA director and chair of the Technical Fire Restoration Summit. “Changes in best practices, advances in building construction, and updated insurance requirements add to the intricacies of this task. Our summit will give attendees the opportunity to increase their skill set by interacting with leaders in the fire restoration industry.”

The cost for RIA’s Technical Fire Restoration Summit is $795 with a discounted early-bird rate of $695 available until September 27. Registration includes access to all education sessions, as well as access to ISSA Show North America 2019.

“We’re pleased to be partnering with RIA to offer its Technical Fire Restoration Summit as part of the robust educational lineup at ISSA Show North America 2019,” said Kim Althoff, ISSA vice president of sales, trade shows, and media. “Restoration is a vital cog in the cleaning industry, and we’re honored to be able to present such a vital training opportunity to our community.”

For further details on the RIA Technical Fire Restoration Summit, visit restorationindustry.org/TechnicalFireRestorationSummit. For more information on ISSA Show North America 2019 and to register, visit issa.com/show.

The Restoration Industry Association (RIA) is the oldest and largest trade association representing the restoration and reconstruction industry with over 1,100 member firms worldwide. RIA serves and represents the interests of its members by promoting the highest ethical standards; providing education, professional qualification, and certification opportunities; positively influencing regulations and governmental actions; and advancing the safety, image, efficiency, and competitiveness of industry members. For more information, visit www.restorationindustry.org

The award-winning ISSA Show family of exhibitions brings together executives and leaders from all segments of the cleaning industry to connect, do business, and share information. ISSA produces shows in North America, Mexico, Australia, and other regions around the world. In addition to ISSA’s ongoing education and training programs and products, the association offers robust, comprehensive education programs during its shows. For more information, visit www.issa.com/tradeshows.


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