Report Reveals Cities Most at Risk for Lead Paint

Lead paint removal

Residential painting company Paint Gnome recently released its list of 2024’s Most Lead Paint-Vulnerable Cities.

The company compared the 500 biggest U.S. cities based on two categories: the number and share of homes built in the years when lead paint use was common. It also considered access to certified lead-based paint inspection, risk assessment, and abatement firms, among eight total metrics.

Chicago placed second in the list, following its nearby suburb of Cicero, which came in first. Buffalo, New York, wound up third on the list.

Below are the top 10 ranked cities found to be most at risk for lead paint:

  1. Cicero, Illinois
  2. Chicago, Illinois
  3. Buffalo, New York
  4. Reading, Pennsylvania
  5. St. Louis, Missouri
  6. Philadephia, Pennsylvania
  7. Detroit, Michigan
  8. Somerville, Maine
  9. Cleveland, Ohio
  10. Scranton, Pennsylvania

Despite a clear need for help, smaller cities like Cicero, Illinois (No. 1), Somerville, Massachusetts (No. 8), and Scranton, Pennsylvania (No. 10), currently lack professional lead paint removal services, according to the report. However, Cicero’s nearby big city of Chicago stood out as having abundant lead paint inspection and abatement professionals.

Least likely to be found lead-paint vulnerable was Frisco, Texas, followed by Surprise, Arizona, and Castle Rock, Colorado.

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