Registration open for The Experience event


LAS VEGAS — The Experience Convention and Trade Show is coming up fast, and has a new location for its Las Vegas venue.

The event, scheduled for September 3-5, will be held at the Mirage Hotel and Casino on the Las Vegas strip.

Besides a selection of seminars and workshops for both cleaning and restoration business owners and technicians, The Experience plans expanded trade show opportunities over three days.

Trade show hours include:

  • Wednesday, September 3: 4-8 p.m.
  • Thursday, September 4: 11:30- 7:00 p.m.
  • Friday, September 5: 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m.

A special early registration package is now available. Register before August 12 for $149 per person and receive both a full registration package plus a six month free membership to the International Cleaning and Restoration Association (ICRA). After August 12, registration pricing will be $199 per person.

In addition to workshops, seminars and the trade show, on Thursday, September 4, at 7:30 p.m. there is a special reception that all attendees may attend outdoors at the Mirage Pool area. Full paid attendees may attend as part of their registration while trade show only attendees pay $25 for the reception that includes food and drink. It is sponsored by both Prochem and The Experience.

An all-new outside live demonstration area is also scheduled, sponsored by Mikey’s Board and MikeFest.

Special room rates at the Mirage of $101 per night are now available by calling (702)791-7444. For complete information, including the agenda and registration instructions, visit or call (888) 881-1001, extension 12.

Cleanfax Staff

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