Registration Closes Soon for ISSA Hygieia Networking and Leadership Conference


CHICAGO, IL.—August 11, 2022— The ISSA Hygieia Network will be hosting a special half-day event at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago on September 13, 2022. Registration has been open since July for this insightful women’s leadership gathering, but the window for attendance is closing soon. With that being said, for women in the carpet cleaning and restoration industries looking to collaborate with like-minded leaders, it’s time to register today and ensure a spot in this exciting conference just around the corner.

The Networking and Leadership Conference: Unlocking Women’s Leadership Potential will bring together a passionate group of professionals who hold positions across all cleaning industry areas and levels. The focus will be on unlocking women’s leadership potential, addressing challenges in career advancement, and more. With registration soon closing, women looking to connect with other industry leaders while discovering tools and strategies to evolve their careers should take the leap and sign up before it’s too late.

As a carpet cleaning or restoration professional, these tools and tips will offer powerful insights and skills that can strengthen leadership qualities, boost company productivity, and increase profits.

Conference Details and Featured Guest Speakers

The conference will include a career development workshop, inspirational speeches, and a panel discussion with industry leaders. ISSA Hygieia Network is honored to present the following speakers:


Stephenie Henderson, Facilitator

Vice President, Sales-Strategic Accounts,Berry Global, Inc.



Kim Price, Inspire Speaker

Vice President, Market Sales,GP PRO

Marcela Sztainberg, Inspire Speaker

Senior Vice President, Human ResourcesEssendant

Tracey York, Inspire Speaker

Executive Vice President, Human Resources, HHS DivisionBerry Global, Inc.

Dr. Tatum Thomas, Presenter

Dean, SCPSDePaul University

Join Us for a Post Conference Cruise

Keep the fun going at the ISSA Hygieia Network’s post-conference networking event aboard Chicago’s Leading Lady luxury vessel. Attending the cruise allows you to network with industry peers while experiencing five-star service and stunning skyline views from the Chicago River and Lake Michigan.

Hotel Accommodations and Fees

The conference is conveniently located in the Palmer House Hilton in beautiful downtown Chicago. Make your hotel reservation today.

Conference registration fees include:

  • Conference admission
  • 2-hour networking cruise aboard the Chicago Leading Lady
  • Shuttle bus service to and from the Chicago Leading Lady
  • Special hotel rate at the Palmer House Hilton. Limited availability

Don’t let opportunity pass you by—register now for this ISSA Hygieia event. To learn more about the Hygieia Network’s upcoming events and news, check out Cleanfax news as well.

Cleanfax Staff

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