Pembertons presents first ‘Fabric Pro’ workshop


Pembertons has launched the very first "Fabric Pro" Fine Fabric Upholstery Cleaning Course.Specialized upholstery cleaning workshop.

The workshop, held February 21-22 at the Pemberton Learning Center, drew cleaning technicians from PA, NY, MA and Canada.

The training program was designed to enable cleaners to have two days of hands-on training in the latest upholstery cleaning techniques, with a focus on spot, stain and odor removal. 

Jim Pemberton expressed the opinion that while such things as cleaning fabrics with colorfastness problems (dye bleeding) is important, and was taught in the class, cleaners may face such fabrics only once or twice a year.

However, spot, stain and odor removal issues are common, and present either income opportunities, or the possibility of expensive claim settlement, Pemberton added. For that reason, nearly 50 percent of the class was spent on such difficult tasks, as well as texture restoration, browning and water stain removal.

Classes are limited to 12 attendees. The next class will be on June 13-14, 2013.

For more information, visit or e-mail Jim Pemberton at [email protected].

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