Online Poll: The Best Place for Job Postings

NORTHBROOK, IL—January 4, 2020—We’re always talking about the difficulties in finding new employees. (It’s not just our industry; it’s a problem everywhere!) Finding the best possible employees begins with establish a quality pool of applicants. Those applicants have to hear about the job somewhere, right? So, where have you found the most success with job postings when you have an opening?
This is precisely what we’re asking about in our latest Cleanfax Online Poll. Is the ease of Facebook the way to go? Does the more expensive route through an agency yield the best results? Does the analogue newspaper method still work? What works best for your company?
Take part in our job postings poll here:

Participation takes only a moment of your valuable time. While your response is confidential, your answer just might help another person in our industry make a business decision or find solace in shared misery. Take a moment to share your thoughts with the latest Cleanfax Online Poll regarding restoration industry regulations.
Looking for the results of a previous poll? Visit our poll archive. There you can see the results of polls on a wide range of topics, such as how you pay your techs, what’s most important when buying a new truckmount, whether auto dialers work when fishing for new business, and many more.
View the results of our latest poll on restoration industry regulations.