Online Poll: Second Stimulus Bill and the Economy


NORTHBROOK, Ill.—December 30, 2020Now that Congress has passed and President Trump has signed the $900-billion COVID-19-related stimulus plan, the second stimulus bill of 2020, it’s a good time to consider what is in the plan, what it aims to do, and whether it will succeed.

What’s in the second stimulus bill?

The bill includes the long argued over individual payments to people making less than $75,000 a year as well as children of qualifying households, as well as an extension through March 14 of unemployment programs put forth in the first stimulus bill. The second stimulus bill also renews funding for the Paycheck Protection Program, which provides small business loans to those companies with virus-created financial struggles. Schools and child care providers, both financially hurt by the pandemic, will also receive funding. Other components of the bill include legislature on nursing homes, medical bills, rental protections, and more. See a detailed list of stimulus bill funding by the New York Times.

Our query in the latest Cleanfax Online Poll looks specifically is this issue. Do you think the second stimulus bill will stimulate the economy as intended?

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Will the second COVID-19 stimulus bill help stimulate the economy?

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