Next Gear Solutions Acquires Accurence


OXFORD, Miss.—September 6, 2019—Next Gear Solutions and Accurence, two leading companies in the property insurance tech space, recently announced that they will be joining forces. Accurence, provider of SettleAssist, QualityAssist, ScopeAssist, and National Water Prime products, will combine with Next Gear and their software suite of DASH, MICA, LuxorCRM, and Moisture Mapper. The move demonstrates that both Next Gear Solutions and Accurence are committed to providing complete solutions for accurate property claims handling and reaffirms Next Gear’s position in water mitigation, as Accurence recently acquired the software division of National Water.

“This is an exciting moment for both companies,” said Garret Gray, CEO of Next Gear Solutions. “Jake Labrie co-founded Accurence, assembled a great team, and built very innovative solutions for claims stakeholders over the years. We’re excited to join forces with him and his team to create the most dynamic, proficient, and customer-focused team in the industry. One of our primary goals is to reduce the number of apps contractors have to learn by integrating these specialized systems into a simplified user experience. Contractors and carriers will see big things from this collaboration.”

“Our customers seek first-class solutions from partners that add value to their claims processes,” said Jake Labrie, previous president of Accurence and now Next Gear’s president of carrier solutions. “Together, our passionate teams continue to listen to and lead the industry in that pursuit, ultimately delivering benefits to what matters most after a property loss—the policyholder.”

Stewart Lynn, principal of Serent Capital, endorsed the Next Gear Solutions and Accurence merger, saying, “We have been privileged to partner with Garret and the Next Gear team these past three years and the Next Gear-Accurence combination underscores our continued belief in this dynamic team and the market opportunity to drive meaningful efficiency throughout the property claims workflow. We’ve studied the property claims restoration space for a number of years now and have yet to find as compelling a story as a combined Next Gear Solutions and Accurence offering.”

Next Gear Solutions, based in Oxford, MS, was established with a mission to take restoration companies paperless, automate their workflow, and bring efficiency to the entire business operation. Next Gear’s software suite has grown to include solutions for managed repair networks, franchisors, and insurance carriers, including products like DASH, MICA, Moisture Mapper, and LuxorCRM.  Next Gear solutions addreess both contractor and carrier workflow needs through process automation. For more information, visit

Accurence builds smart property insurance solutions that help adjusters and contractors confidently assess all homeowner peril types with proprietary, patented technologies that automate the scope of repairs. Through mobile applications that integrate with major insurance carrier guidelines, the company delivers efficiency in insurance claims that build homeowner trust and drive consistently smarter business.


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