NCCER Partners With If I Had A Hammer, Inc., to Expand Access to Math Programs

NCCER and If I Had a Hammer

The National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and If I Had A Hammer, Inc., have partnered to expand access to the HammerMath® and HammerBuild® programs, aimed to increase math comprehension through engaging applied math education, exercises, and projects.

Statistics show declining math scores amongst secondary students nationwide including a reported 7-point decrease in average test scores during the 2022–2023 school year for 13-year-olds. In addition, the Northwest Evaluation Association has stated math performance among elementary and middle-school students has fallen by 6 to 15 percent below pre-pandemic growth rates.

This partnership aims to shift the downward trend by providing NCCER-accredited high schools with free access to the online HammerMath learning platform and HammerBuild. The HammerBuild is an immersive educational experience where students build a small house in one day while learning the value of applied math, goal setting, teamwork and workforce skills. Once the house is built the first time, it can be taken apart and built again and again, to engage more students and help them better understand math concepts.

Both programs were developed by master carpenter and entrepreneur Perry Wilson. Wilson struggled with dyslexia in school but found success in learning math on the job and has been bringing those practical skills to the classroom for over 30 years.

“I failed the fifth grade and barely made it out of high school due to dyslexia,” said Wilson. “I became a carpenter, and construction changed my life! When I worked with math on the job instead of taking math in the classroom, I got it! It’s also important to me that all students understand the world of opportunities available in the construction industry, from carpenters to drone operators to underwater welding to design; the opportunities are endless.”

Through his company, If I Had A Hammer, Inc., Wilson has already impacted over one million students from K–12, adults, and justice-involved individuals in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. His approach was recognized by The New York Times as one of the top new education programs in the country, and a study by the University of Kentucky found that students using HammerMath scored at the 99th percentile in math gains on the National MAP test. Now NCCER wants to bring this success to construction classrooms across the country by offering it with their Core and Carpentry programs.

“The HammerMath system not only makes learning critical math skills more accessible but also encourages young people to explore construction career paths,” said Boyd Worsham, NCCER president and CEO. “Students are the future of our industry, and we are proud to offer this additional learning solution to our accredited high schools at no cost. Every student should know how to read a tape measure—it’s the most universal tool in our industry.”

For updated information about this partnership, click here to sign up.

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