Midwest prepares for more flooding


GRAND RAPIDS, WI — River flooding, already swamping part of the Midwest, is expected to get worse as more rain and snow spreads over the region, according to USA Today.

Areas from Oklahoma through Michigan are forecast to get an inch of rain Tuesday — and some places will see twice that — by the time the storm moves away, the article stated.

According to the article, while this system should be less intense and faster-moving when compared to last week's torrential rainstorms that sparked the worst of the floods, the additional rain could keep the rivers that are already at flood stage from receding as fast.

As of Tuesday morning, more than 150 gauges were in flood stage across the U.S., with the majority of those located in the upper Midwest, including 37 at "major" flood stage; major flood stage means there will be "extensive inundation of structures and roads, and that significant evacuations are likely," the article noted.

Click here to read the article in its entirety.

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