Local restoration business receives $10K grant

Mixed Race businessman holding money

DETROIT — Touch of Class Restoration, a Detroit-area commercial and residential restoration company, on October 27 was presented a $10,000 grant through the NEIdeas competition, according to an article in the Detroit News.

The NEIdeas competition is a program by Detroit’s New Economy Initiative (NEI) and the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan in partnership with the Detroit Economic Growth Corp. launched in May 2014.

With almost 600 applicants, the 30 recipients are part of a very select group that the NEI sees as necessary to community success.  The businesses receiving grants ranged from Mexican restaurants to screen printers to urban farms.

“Most of these small businesses were under the radar screen, but critical for their neighborhood’s growth,” said David Egner, executive director of the NEI. “We’re not looking at the start-ups. We’re concerned about the been-ups and how they can get help for that business.”

Touch of Class Restoration was granted the money to invest in physical improvements to its business, as well as new remediation equipment and a marketing consultant.

Alicia’s Cleaners and Alteration, currently a dry cleaning and alterations company, also received the grant to expand its business into fire, water and mold restoration services.

For the original article, please click here.

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