Lisa Wagner and Jim Pemberton choose 7th Textile Pro team


The Textile Pro™ Program, an advanced training program for oriental rug and fine fabric care developed by Lisa Wagner and Jim Pemberton, has begun accepting applications for their next team of 20 companies to pursue the on-line and hands-on curriculum.

The 20 companies will be selected from across the US and Canada for training that encompasses technical, operational, business growth and marketing expertise. Graduates of the program are listed on their consumer referral website at

“There has been a growing deficit in fine fabric and rug care specialists. We developed this program to help fulfill that need by consumers for more textile experts,” explained Jim.

Lisa shared, “We only work with twenty companies at a time and they are selected from a group of applicants that have a wide range of experience, some starting up and others decades in the business. We choose based on their location, and most importantly their attitude on wanting to be the best at their craft. We have compiled a fantastic network of skilled, enthusiastic, and caring textile specialists to refer consumers to.”

The Textile Pro™ Program is a combination of on-line and in-person training on rugs and fine fabric. It is the first certification program in the industry to require actually cleaning items to pass, as opposed to just memorizing answers for a multiple choice test.

Lisa explained that their philosophy is that sometimes the best paper test takers are not the best cleaners, and that their focus with this program is that participants truly understand the craft and can show their skills in action rather than short term memorization for a test.

Jim added that the goal of the program is not simply to teach technical insight, but also to help every graduate to grow a strong business in the process.

For more information about the Textile Pro program, and to request an application, send an email request to Lisa Wagner at [email protected].

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