Jon-Don concrete sales division grows

ROSELLE, IL — Jon-Don has reported that its concrete division has grown nearly exponentially over the last 12 months, according to a press release.
"The last year has been very exciting. Our concrete sales team has grown by 400 percent, and we have expanded our service area to much of the country, including Illinois, Florida, northern California, Texas, Washington, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Plans are in the works to continue that expansion even further in 2014,” said Jason Leitner, national director of sales.
Jon-Don’s product line has grown too, giving concrete flooring professionals a wide range of choice in chemicals, equipment, and accessories from well-known brands, the release stated.
According to the release, Jon-Don offers its customers unique benefits that truly set this distributor apart, with all products are backed with a 30-day, money-back satisfaction guarantee as well as a price match guarantee.
Click here to read the release in its entirety.