Ivan Turner Joins NorthStar Restoration


WAUSAU, Wis.—December 10, 2020—NorthStar Restoration Services of Wausau, Wis. has demonstrated its commitment to the training and development of its employees by hiring Ivan Turner as operations training manager. Turner is a certified Ziglar Legacy Trainer and a naval veteran with more than 30 years of experience in disaster recovery and restoration. Ivan Turner joins NorthStar Restoration’s core management team where he will be responsible for developing, facilitating, and overseeing all aspects of employee training.

Turner founded Disaster Brigade, a disaster-recovery business covering 14 counties within a 60-mile radius of Jefferson City, Mo., including areas impacted by Hurricane Laura in August. In addition to writing multiple marketing and training programs, including ShowMe Marketing Solutions, Turner has had several works published in industry media and in 2013 authored the book, I Broke the Code, So Can You! about his rise through the industry.

“With Ivan’s experience in marketing, consulting, and coaching, he’s going to bring great value to our team now and as our business evolves in the next five to 10 years,” said Jay Cricks, who owns NorthStar Restoration along with Shawn Millikin. “We’ve been able to accomplish a lot, and Ivan is only going to add to that.”

NorthStar Restoration Services has earned accolades at several levels in recent years. Honors include Best of Marathon County (Wis.) 2018 through 2020 and Top-Rated Local Business in Wisconsin 2019 and 2020. The company has also been recognized twice on the Inc. 5,000 Fastest Growing Private Companies in America. For more information, visit northstarrestorationservices.com.

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