ISSA’s Chief of Education, the Show, and Free Beer

By Jeff Cross, executive editor
Unless you are living under a rock in the middle of an arid desert, or are an unwilling participant of the Witness Protection Plan, you know about the upcoming ISSA Show in Dallas, slated for October 29-November 1 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center.
Let’s get some important information on record about why you can’t miss this annual event, especially considering the educational impact on your company, facility, or cleaning operation.
Brant Insero, the director of education, certifications, and standards with ISSA, and his team of professionals have put together a world-class lineup of educational workshops, seminars, and programs for anyone in the cleaning industry, from the entry-level technician to high-level management.
We asked him five simple questions… let’s see how he does.
Q #1: Why should I come?
“It’s simple. If you come and attend, you will leave the ISSA Show with a plan to implement something new that is a proven success, and drastically change the way you do business or run your cleaning operation. And, if you show up and catch me at the bar, I will buy you a beer.”
Q #2: Can you convince me into thinking the ISSA Show is different from other shows?
“I wish you would give me tougher questions. The one-stop-shop for educational opportunities exists onlyat the ISSA Show in Dallas. We will have more than 90 seminars and sessions that cover every aspect of your operation, and they will provide strategy, vision and tactics to send you home with the ability to make strong business decisions that will impact your company, and with processes to make your cleaning operation, whether as a contractor or facility, streamlined and more productive.”
Q #3: I am a specialty contractor, and do mold work. Is there really something for me?
“Any contractor that is in the commercial cleaning space has a program at ISSA designed for them, including a new one from the National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors, or NORMI. They are going to provide a strong workshop on Wednesday morning that helps you identify mold and the proper process to handle it. This knowledge helps to increase sales for a specialty contractor and save lives while doing it.”
Q #4: How is this ISSA Show different from previous ones?
“Many ways, but a big obvious one is… Dallas. Everything is bigger in Texas and ISSA will not let you down. We are highlighting multiple new experiences, including our Back-Lot Bash featuring Country Artist Jack Ingram, the Party for a Purpose, and the highest number of educational seminars ever.”
Q #5: If I come, will you buy me a beer?
“Aren’t you paying attention? See Question #1.”
Don’t miss this event! Check out all the details on the ISSA Show site and… we will see you in Dallas.