ISSA Wants to Know: What Public-Policy Issues Matter to You?

ISSA is asking its members what public-policy issues matter most to them and their cleaning businesses as part of the association’s biannual advocacy survey.
“ISSA continues to build and strengthen our government affairs efforts so we can best represent the interests of our membership before state and federal policymakers and regulators,” said ISSA Director of Government Affairs John Nothdurft. “Member responses to our current survey will help us gauge member interest in our advocacy efforts, as well as help shape those efforts moving forward.”
Based on previous member input, ISSA Government Affairs recently pursued and accomplished several key public-policy “wins,” including:
- ISSA-Supported PRIA 5 Included in Omnibus Package
- ISSA-Supported Legislation Passed to Avert Rail Shutdown
- California Dropped Revisions to Prop 65 Short-Form Warning
- Ocean Shipping Reform Act Signed into Law
- Other Highlights – The recruitment of 1,300+ ISSA Advocates for Clean, the success of the 2023 ISSA Clean Advocacy Summit as part of National Cleaning Week, and more. (View the full 2022–2023 IAF Impact Report here.)
Looking ahead, ISSA Government Affairs requests your critical feedback by taking our brief advocacy survey to help guide the advocacy positions of the association on the important public-policy issues facing your business and the cleaning industry. Those who complete the survey will be entered to win a free registration for the 2024 ISSA Clean Advocacy Summit in Washington, DC! But don’t delay, the deadline to participate is August 31. For questions about the advocacy survey and ISSA advocacy, please contact John Nothdurft.