ISSA Show North America 2019 Registration Opens

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NORTHBROOK, IL—June 13, 2019—ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association, will host its annual flagship event, ISSA Show North America 2019, in Las Vegas on November 18–21, 2019. To date, this will be the largest event produced by ISSA, with more than 16,000 cleaning and facility solutions professionals and over 700 exhibits expected. ISSA Show North America 2019 registration is now open, with early-bird pricing available through September 17.

Cleaning-industry professionals of all levels gather at the annual event to conduct business, sharpen their skills, and discover the latest industry trends, products, and services. For the 10th consecutive year, ISSA Show North America 2019 will host co-location partner Building Service Contractors Association International (BSCAI) and its 2019 Contracting Success Conference. Additionally, ISSA welcomes the Healthy Schools Campaign and its Green Clean Schools education track, leading distributor sales and marketing groups, and other industry organizations and their constituents at this year’s show.

“ISSA Show North America is renowned for creating a dynamic venue for professionals in all aspects of the cleaning industry,” said Jonathan Adkins, ISSA vice president of marketing. “In addition to the expansive trade show floor filled with the cleaning industry’s latest innovations, we have the most robust education curriculum of any expo in the industry.”

More than 100 education sessions available

For the first time in the event’s history, more than 100 education sessions will be available, each led by an industry expert. Attendees can select individual sessions they wish to attend or follow one of several curated education tracks:

  • Commercial Cleaning Track
  • Distributor Track
  • Green Clean Schools Track, presented by Healthy Schools Campaign
  • Health Care Track, presented by IEHA, A Division of ISSA
  • Latin America Track
  • Residential Cleaning Track, presented by ARCSI, A Division of ISSA.

“The conference program covers many other critical areas in addition to the tracks,” Adkins stated. “To date, we have six certification workshops on the schedule spanning all four days of the event.” Other topical sessions cover business management, self-improvement, succession planning, emerging technologies, and infection control with more sessions to be added in the months ahead.

Happy birthday, Innovation Award Program

2019 is the 10th anniversary of the ISSA Innovation Award Program. The association is celebrating by supplementing the Innovation Showcase with the Innovation Center—located across the aisle—which will feature demonstrations and presentations from select program entrants.

“All products and technologies in contention for Innovation of the Year and the five category awards will be on display in the Innovation Showcase, Booth 101,” Adkins explained. “This year, entrants have a third chance for industry acclaim by being selected a Category Honoree.”

ISSA Show North America highlights for 2019

Additional special attractions and event features in 2019 include:

  • Specialty cleaning area and theater on the show floor featuring unique education sessions and exhibitors from health care, residential, and restoration segments
  • Solve for X booth, where “X” represents specific industry challenges on which attendees will collaborate through unique peer-to-peer idea exchanges
  • The ISSA Sports Bar, sponsored by Spartan Chemical Co., a welcoming venue for attendees to network and relax on the bustling trade show floor
  • International Pavilion and Italian Pavilion, which together will feature exhibitors from more than 26 countries
  • First-Time Exhibitor Pavilion and Startup Village, featuring companies new to ISSA Show North America, such as technology-solution providers, safety equipment suppliers, and more
  • Discounts to attractions across the Las Vegas Strip with a valid ISSA Show North America 2019 trade show badge

Registration options 

Attendees have two registration options this year:

  1. The All-Access Pass—the best value to experience the event—includes a trade show floor badge; access to 100-plus education sessions; the popular Lunch and Learn event: Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast, featuring Kristen Hadeed; ISSA Welcome Reception; Attendee Orientation and show floor tours; Evening Roundtable Discussions; ISSA Spotlight Speaker “Marvelless Mark®, sponsored by Essity Professional Hygiene North America LLC; and the Technology for Tomorrow Panel.
  2. Trade Show Badge, which includes access to exhibits during show-floor hours, November 19-21, and any education opportunities hosted on the show floor.

In celebration of the 2019 show, ISSA is offering special early-bird pricing on the All-Access Pass through September 17. Adkins said, “Attendees can get the All-Access Pass for only $279 for a limited time, so make your plans now to save and prepare for a world-class event in Las Vegas.”

Register now at



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