ISSA and Marquette University Create Online Supply Chain Management Program

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NORTHBROOK, IL — March 15, 2019 — ISSA’s Cleaning Management Institute (CMI) has partnered with Marquette University (MU) to develop an online training course for supply chain management.

Supply chain management has been increasingly recognized as a cornerstone of a successful company, yet there is a widespread industry need to better understand its key elements. The supply chain management program will teach students how to align and coordinate the functions of a supply chain to enhance company performance.

“Supply chains — not companies — compete in today’s economy,” said Marko Bastl, assistant professor of supply chain management at Marquette University’s College of Business Administration. “How we manage the supply chain can become a competitive advantage. Companies need to understand the role that internal functions such as logistics and purchasing play in gaining a competitive edge.”

The supply chain management program will build an understanding of these seven fundamental principles:

supply chain management program


Brant Insero, director of education, training, and certification for ISSA, confirmed, “The most successful companies are the ones who are able to effectively align and coordinate these elements into one coherent function.”

Bastl outlined the benefits of completing the program: “You will gain insights into how we can take an integrated view of the various supply chain-related functions — such as customer service, logistics and distribution, purchasing, and supply chain planning — and in doing so maximize our levels of customer service.”

“People in a number of different roles will get a lot of insight from this program,” stated Insero. “Buyers in purchasing departments, production planners, and logistics analysts in particular are good candidates.”

To learn more, contact ISSA Training Specialist TJ Grim at [email protected] or visit CMI’s supply chain management web page.

Cleaning Management Institute (CMI) is the education arm of ISSA focused on certification, training, education, and career improvement for professionals within the commercial and residential cleaning/facility maintenance industry. A broad curriculum is available to industry professionals at all levels, including frontline workers, managers, supervisors, and executives. CMI provides professionals in all aspects of the cleaning industry with the knowledge they need to improve their skills, advance their careers, and raise the quality of service that their companies provide to customers. Learn more at

ISSA, the Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association serves more than 9,200 company members, including distributors, manufacturers, manufacturer representatives, building-service contractors, in-house service providers, residential cleaners, and associated service members. The association is committed to changing the way the world views cleaning by providing members with the business tools they need to promote cleaning as an investment in human health, the environment, and an improved bottom line. For more information, visit, join the discussion with ISSA’s LinkedIn group, and follow ISSA on our Facebook page and Twitter account.

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