IICRC’s Fall 2017 Journal Now Available
November 1, 2017—

LAS VEGAS — The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) recently released its Fall 2017 Journal of Cleaning, Restoration & Inspection, according to a press release.
The new issue, available online, offers peer-reviewed technical articles for industry professionals.
Within the journal, readers will find article topics ranging from the origin and specifics of Sinner’s Circle as well as its relation to an IICRC fundamental, trauma and crime scene remediation, and the efficacy of tile tapping tools.
Peer-reviewed technical articles found in the Fall 2017 Journal include:
- Floor Tile Tapping: A Quantitative Analysis, by Don Nehrig, EI, Nolan Wells, EI, Robert Mulcahy, and Ralph E. Moon, Ph.D.
The authors tested and analyzed the efficacy of tile tapping instruments and techniques that are commonly used to determine whether various types of flooring tiles remain laminated or have become delaminated.
- Structural Remediation of Trauma or Crime Scenes, by the ANSI/IICRC S540-2017 Consensus Body
This excerpt from the ANSI/IICRC S540 Standard for Trauma and Crime Scene Cleanup: 2017, looks at the process of structural remediation.
- Basic Principles of Cleaning, by James Smith
“The Basic Principles of Cleaning” was developed for the laundry washing industry in the 1950s by Dr. Herbert Sinner. Sinner’s work became known as “Sinner’s Circle.” James Smith looks at the origins, applicability and limitations of Sinner’s Circle and the IICRC’s closely related “Fundamentals of Soil Suspension.”
To read the full Fall 2017 issue of IICRC’s Journal of Cleaning, Restoration & Inspection, click HERE.