I3R2 report and recap for the restoration industry

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WEST LAFAYETTE, IN — The 10th International Conference of the International Institute for Infrastructure Resilience and Reconstruction (I3R2), hosted by Purdue University May 20-22, 2014, welcomed far greater involvement by industry professionals than usual, as the conference has historically been academically focused, according to a press release from the Restoration Industry Association (RIA).

An industry panel on best practices, organized and moderated by RIA Industry Adviser Pete Consigli, included panelists Cliff Zlotnik andRusty Amarante, former RIA presidents, as well as Tom Stahr and Jerry Myrick from the National Demolition Association (NDA) Disaster Response Committee and Monique Pilié of All Hands Volunteers.

The proceedings of this panel were captured in a comprehensive document that includes input from its panelists, technical support from IICRC liaison Jue Hughes and RIA board member Larry Holder, and academic review by Drs. Randy R. Rapp and Mark E. Shaurette of Purdue University.

Other highlights of the conference included a white paper presentation by industry trainer Ed Jones of Code Blue, which offered his company’s research gained through its use of flood houses to train insurance adjusters and mitigation specialists; and a live demonstration and explanation of restoration mitigation techniques by Paul Davis Restoration of Lafayette, IN.

The 11th International Conference of the International Institute for Infrastructure Resilience and Reconstruction will be held in Seoul, Korea from August 27-29, 2015, in the University of Seoul’s Department of Transportation Engineering. The focus of the 2015 conference will be “Complex Disasters and Disaster Risk Management.”

Click here to read the full, original release.

Access and download the proceedings here.

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