Fourth public review period open for ANSI/IICRC S500


LAS VEGAS — The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) has opened the review and comment period for the ANSI/IICRC S500 Standard and Reference Guide for Professional Water Damage Restoration from March 6, 2015 through April 5, 2015, according to a press release.

The S500 “provides a specific set of practical standards for water damage [but] does not provide comprehensive water damage procedures; rather, it outlines the foundation for basic principles of proper restoration practices.”

The organization has made substantive revisionary changes to the Standard since its third public review in August 2014, including (per S500 Chairman Mickey Lee):

  • Modifying the air mover guidance language to better handle the ‘gaps’ identified by many restorers that could provide less air movement than needed for some jobs;
  • Reformatting the air mover guidance language to be easier and more intuitive to use;
  • Removing the need to identify the ‘drying rate stage’ (i.e. constant drying rate, falling drying rate) as a precursor to making air mover changes;
  • Better defining ‘low evaporation materials’ and ‘low evaporation assemblies’ and how these relate to Class 4 water intrusions.

Please view the revised Standard and find the Comment Form on the IICRC website or here, and submit it to IICRC Standards Director Mili Washington at [email protected] by April 5, 2015.

For the original release, please click here.

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