February 2018 ISSA Today Issue Available Online Now

NORTH BROOK, IL — ISSA, the worldwide cleaning association, recently released the online edition of the February 2018 ISSA Today, which is filled with articles geared toward the general cleaning industry.
Articles for consideration in this month’s issue include:
“Full Disclosure: Ingredient Reporting Deadline Looms” by Bill Balek
The article looks at the ins and outs of the new California Cleaning Product Right to Know Act of 2017 including who is required to comply, which products are covered, when requirements will take effect, and more.
“2018: The Year of the Robot” by Larry Lawton
This article explores the rise of robots in cleaning including why robots are becoming increasingly popular, how we can benefit from robotic floor cleaning, and which manufacturers are moving to the forefront in this market.
These and other articles from the February 2018 ISSA Today can be found at issatoday.issa.com.
Visit the ISSA website to find out about membership, read cleaning industry news and articles, and more at www.issa.com.