Experience University Presents Industry Reboot Webinar

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DENVER—April 23, 2020—Experience University will present a half-day webinar titled, “Our Industry Reboot” to discuss moving forward as professional cleaners and restorers in a post-COVID world. The webinar will be held Wednesday, April 29, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and participants will earn three hours of IICRC CEC credits.

The webinar will feature Howard Wolf with presentations on “How We Define Clean in a Post COVID World” and “Drying in the Age of COVID.” Wolf will discuss the standards and definitions for terms like “sanitize” and “disinfect” and offer advice about marketing, liability issues, and the cleaning industry’s image. In the drying presentation, he will discuss the new age of sanitary drying and how to adjust and justify your pricing for this service.

Lisa Wagner and Mark Kennedy will present “How to Build Momentum and Maximize Cleaning Jobs in our New ‘Normal.’” Their talk will focus on establishing yourself as a credible expert on cleaning and then translating that public trust into more jobs through strategic marketing.

Following the sessions, all presenters will host a live Q&A session with participants at the end of the webinar.

To register for the Experience University Industry Reboot webinar, visit https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2102790006260396302. The cost of registration is $30.

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most challenging experiences the world has lived through, but Experience University believes that there is a huge opportunity waiting for the cleaning and restoration industry on the other side. Learn how to maximize that opportunity in this webinar.

Follow-up presentations will be held at The Experience Convention and Trade Show in Las Vegas, September 9-11, 2020.

Cleanfax Staff

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