Exciting start for “Take a Break in Vegas” Sweepstakes


FORTH WORTH, TX — Powr-Flite reports that its “Take a Break in Vegas” sweepstakes has so far been an amazing success, according to a press release.

"We’re three-quarters through the sweepstakes and the number of people [who have] entered has been remarkable. Many have entered the contest by visiting our Facebook site, where we’ve gone from fewer than 500 ‘likes’ on May 1 to more than 3,400 as of May 19 — and still counting," said Zack Smith, director of marketing for the company.

The contest began on May 1 and will end on May 31, 2014; along with registering on Facebook, entrants can sign up at the Powr-Flite website — as more than 2,000 have done so far — or by mail, the release stated.

According to the release, contestants are also automatically entered into the contest when placing an order with the company.

The idea for the sweepstakes evolved after the harsh winter suffered in so many parts of the country that had many cleaning professionals working around the clock to help their customers deal with one storm after another, the release noted.

Click here to read the release in its entirety.

Cleanfax Staff

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